Sunday, April 25, 2010

Personal Learning Environment

In the video, the young lady's personal learning environment(PLE) is pretty impressive. I like how all of her web tools and information are organized in one place. It makes it alot easier to do research and make a report. My PLE doesn't even compare to the one in the video. But I have only just started and it has already to grow and progress. As I make new connections, my PLE grows. This helps me out alot because when ideas are shared I gain new perspectives of many things.

Two Questions That Can Change Your Life?

Two questions were posed to me through a video clip I was assigned to view. These were "What is your sentence?" and "Was I better today than I was yesterday?" Two good questions if you ask me. These two sentences act as a motivator for me. I think everybody wants to be better person. So the second of the two questions acts as catalyst to get people to progress everyday to strive to be better citizens of society and better human beings in general. While, that questions is meant for more a shortter period of time, the next one is meant for the long haul. I would want my sentence to be a good one. And I think if we can say yes the second question everyday, our senteces will be positive ones.

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