Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week 10

"An Open Letter to Educators"
This post by Morgan Bayda makes you think. It makes me think about the classes I take and how some of them are exactly has described by Morgan and in the video by Dan Brown. I can not help but feel the same way about some of the classes that I take. I sit through boring lectures where the professor reads off a power point. Then, you can get the power points off their website and read. It makes it almost pointless to go to class when you just read yourself online. It wasn't for mandatory attendance, I probably would not go. I think there should be change in education. We shouldn't stick to the old ways of teaching and learning such as memorizing facts. Although I do not see the "old school" way of learning to be my chosen education, the fact is we have no choice. I want to be teacher and I need to make a living somehow. How is it possible to be teacher and make a living without a degree? I need it. So I have to take these courses. But, I can take these values with me to the classroom and change the mindset of the next generation.

Comment For Kids
This week I commented on a young students post which was a recount of her activities through out the day.


  1. Your opinion along with Morgan's blog post was how I felt too. I agree with everyone when they say class is boring or pointless. The teachers we have now should definitely go back to class and take this class.

  2. Alot of students, including me, question the significants of going to classes when you are basically teaching ourselves. I feel like i'm teaching me but maybe thats what they want us to do. idk
