Sunday, January 31, 2010

Podcasts and Technological Youngsters (week 3 post)

I think pod casting can be very useful media tool. They can be used as instructional tools and teachers can use them to leave lectures to remind students of ideas they have heard in the classroom. There are many ways that pod casting can be useful. I really enjoyed SmartBoard Lessons, KidCast,and EdTech Talk pod casts as they were related to education. I think smart boards are fun to use and can be a very good teaching tool. Having pod casts that can instruct you how to to do new things can take our teaching to new levels. I just wanted to throw that out there. Listening to these pod casts I have learned a little bit of how pod casts work. Which will help us as we will be making one in 3-4 weeks.
First of all, we have to pick a subject that is relevant to the people of which our pod casts are intended for. Since we are future educators and taking an education class, I would imagine that our pod casts would be something along the lines of education and/or technology. We must keep the subject relevant for our chosen audience. We must also work to keep our audience interested and not loose their attention. I have learned from listening to the pod casts that there are some intervals that can be very boring.
Even though this maybe a small detail of the pod casts, I think that voice projection is very important. If our audience can not hear or understand the pod cast, then it is useless. So I think speaking clearly, pronunciation, and projection of our voice can be very important. I also learned from SmartBoard lessons pod cast that depending on the subject that is discussed, we might have to use very descriptive language to describe something. Even though these maybe small details of producing a pod cast, I think they can come into play when making a good one.

The children in the videos are simply amazing. They are doing some of the same things we are doing in this class. I do not remember being able to use a computer that well as a first grader. Then on top of that, they can explain to you how to use their blogs and how to leave comments. That is impressive. This only shows us what the future has in store for soon to be teachers. I liked this video because it shows a prime example of how technology can be used in the classroom. These kids are improving their reading and writing skills when they post blogs. They are also getting familiar with technology and connecting with the world which will be helpful in the future.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Week 2 Blog Post

"A vision of students today"
I can personally relate to some relate to some of the topics and points brought up in this video. Books cost a fortune and I don't even use some of them. Most of the professors I have had know my name or knew my name at least while I was in their class. I agree with some topics that have been brought up in this video.
I do agree that some reading assignments given by professors are too long. They assign so much reading that sometimes it can be hard to finish all of it. There are other responsibilities outside of the classroom. But its not like anybody said college was going to be easy. Students have to use their time wisely to get done what needs to get done.

"It's not about the technology"
This was a very interesting article. I agree with Ms. Kelly Hines about her view of technology in education. While it can be very useful, there is no point in spending money and time setting up technological tools if the teacher cannot be innovative to use these tools to teach. Teachers must be creative in their ways of delivery. They need to bring many ways of delivering a subject to students. There are a lot of different minds that do not learn the same.
Therefore, technology can not really help us unless we change the whole mindset of education. We need to first change the way we think. As teacher, we need to keep up-to-date with information about ways and methods we can use to teacher students. After this, technology can be put in place to only further improve methods and delivery.

"Is it okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher?"
It certainly seems that in times today many people are not able to get by without being some type of technological literate. Whether it is with cell phones, computers, or fax machines. People wouldn't be to survive. We are growing more technologically dominated everyday. There are first graders that are better with computers than their parents. This shows us where the world is going today and the type of students that will be entering the work force in the future.
If teachers choose not be technologically literate then they are hurting the chances of their students. They can not teach their students how to be technologically literate. Times are changing and forcing people to shift from old ways of working to new technological ways. The students will entering this work force after we are done with them and it is our responsibility to get them ready for it. So I agree with Karl Fisch. Teachers can not afford to be technologically illiterate, at least in this day and age.

"Social Media Count"
As I look at this counter, I can't help but notice how fast that this numbers grow. And as I am writing this blog for an education class, I can't help but think has to how many of my future students have and will be contributing to these amounts. What this means to me as future as educator is that I will definitely have to stay up-to-date with technological information. This is so I can have better tools to teach my future students and also keep their attention.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Technology in edcucation

"Did you know 3.0"
In today's world, technology is constantly changing. It does not seem to be slowing down either according to "Did you know 3.0". The world seems to be shifting to more technologically dominated societies. With personal computers becoming more affordable every year, less-developed countries even have access to the internet. This allows them to acquire information and news instantly. Otherwise, it would have taken hours or days for the news to reach them.
With news and information being instantly accessed, the world is able to develop rapidly. People in the job market are forced to keep up with updated technology and information. As technology changes, so does the way it is taught. According to "Did you know 3.0", the technological knowledge and skills that students acquire will already be out dated by the time they finish school. Can anyone be truly certain of what the future will hold with the way technology is rapidly progressing? One thing is for sure, the possibilities are endless.

"Mr. Winkle Wakes"
In the video "Mr. Winkle Wakes", Mr. Winkle wakes up from a 100 year sleep to a technologically advanced world. He sees how a businesses and hospitals are run with the assistance of computers and technology. He feels very uncomfortable until he gets to a school. Where everything seems very familiar to him because of the absence of technology that he saw being used the world in the world.
I think the author, Mathew Needleman, wants to point out the absence of technology being used in schools. Students need to be prepared to enter a technology dominated job market. Students are used to living in a technologically advanced society, it can be hard to keep their attention and teach them in out dated ways. With the presence of up-to-date technology in classrooms, students can acquire the technological knowledge to better prepare themselves for the job market. Also, it will provide new methods and techniques for teaching students of a technologically dominated generation.

"Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity"
Ken Robison defines creativity as orignal ideas that contain value. I do agree with Mr. Robinson's definition. He states that schools are teaching the students how to do things the "right" way and therefore killing the creatitivy of the students because they are afraid to be wrong. I agree partly with this statement because in certain subjects of academia there is a unique solution to a problem.
I believe that fine arts such as music and art are the areas of acadamia where students can use their creatitvity. They are encouraged to do so. But in a subject such as mathematics, creativity does not exist. There may be a number of methods to finding a solution to a problem. They still all lead to one unique solution. In this aspect, I disagree with Mr. Robison. But I do agree that other areas of education should not be put above areas where students can use their creativity. As a society, we teach our students to focus on subjects such as mathematics and language arts because these are the skills that will get them a job. Although these subjects are very important, we can not say for sure that a studnent will not be a musician, dancer, or artist.

"Harnessing Your Students' Digital Smarts"
This video is very a interesting piece. It shows how technology in the classroom can help to teach students of today. This will only better prepare them to use technology outside school. Teaching students how to use useful software can only help them. They will encounter such technlogy as they further their education and can feel comfortable and find ease in using them.
I agree with Vicki Davis that if we only have pencil and paper to teach students then it is setup for only some students to succeed. Students learn in different ways and technology provides other tools and methods to teach students. As a future educator, I like the fact that you do not have to know everything about a subject to teach it. I am pretty sure that when I start teaching, my students will be more technologically literate than me. There is always room to learn new things, even as a teacher.